Post doctoral researcher in ECOPHYSIOLOGY - sweden

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Post doctoral researcher in ECOPHYSIOLOGY

Within the project:  High and sustainable biomass production of Salix:
bridging molecular genetics, ecophysiology and plant breeding

The overall aim of this project is to develop breeding tools for a rapid
improvement of Salix. The focus will be on developing molecular makers,
which will provide a basis for accelerated breeding through early
selection and recombination of interesting genotypes. Genetic linkage maps
will be developed in order to study the genetics behind resistance,
tolerance and growth traits. Appropriate characters will be identified
which are simple to use for screening in large breeding populations.
Genetic makers stable in different environments and in different genetic
materials will be tested in breeding populations to study the effect of
maker-aided selection.

For details, see the link:

Further information about the position is available from Martin Weih, tel
+46 18672543, e-mail: martin.weih at

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