Population dynamics post-doc Cambridge

Publié le par Doctorants CEBC CNRS


 Population Biology / Evolutionary Ecology

Grade: 7 Salary range: ?27,319 - ?35,656 per annum


We are looking for an evolutionary ecologist/population biologist with statistical and modelling experience to work on a project investigating the population dynamics of cooperative breeders and the evolution of reproductive strategies. The project will use long-term data on meerkats, Suricata suricatta, collected over the last 15 years in the southern Kalahari to investigate the mechanisms regulating group size and population density and their effects on the social behaviour and reproductive strategies of breeders and helpers The work will involve the extensive use of mixed models to analyse the ecological and social factors affecting reproductive success, emigration, and survival; the analysis of the costs and benefits of different reproductive and life history strategies to helpers and breeders; and the construction of evolutionary models of eviction and emigration as well as the development of population models to describe and predict dynamics at the group and population

level. Additional information on the meerkat project together with a list of recent papers can be found at http://www.kalahari-meerkats.com/index.php?id=home and http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/zoostaff/larg/pages. More detailed information about the research involved in this post can be found under LARG web page.

The post is for up to three years* and will be based in Cambridge starting April 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. The post-holder will work in collaboration with Prof. Tim Clutton-Brock, Dr. Stuart Sharp, Dr. Sinead English and other scientists involved in research on the behaviour and ecology of cooperative breeders. Prof. Tim Coulson (Imperial College, London) and Prof. Franck Courchamp (CNRS, Paris) will help to direct the population modelling.

Required experience/knowledge for the position:

-A PhD in a relevant subject

-An interest in population dynamics and the evolution of life-history strategies

-Experience of the construction of statistical models and the ability to programme in R

-Good data handling and management skills, preferably using Microsoft Access

-Experience both of evolutionary modelling and population modelling

-The ability to work in a team and good oral and written communication skills

How to apply:

Applicants should send their full CV (including publication list) together with a cover letter and completed PD18 form (Parts I&II only; see http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/zooone/administration/vacancy.html) addressed to the Departmental Administrator via email to: ag318@cam.ac.uk, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK, by the deadline of Wednesday, 24 March 2010. Please quote reference PF06165 on your application.



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