Post-Doc, Québec

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The NSERC-Université Laval Industrial Research Chair in Silviculture and Wildlife has research
opportunities for one post-doctoral fellow to participate in its research program. This program seeks
to develop silviculture systems suited for the sustainable management of uneven-aged boreal
forests. The postdoc project aims to study the diversity of birds and small mammals along
succession gradients.
Project description: The objective is to clarify the link between the diversity of birds (mainly) and
small mammals and habitat attributes along succession gradients that originated from natural or
anthropogenic disturbances, particularly from old (up to 70 years old) logged stands. The study
area is situated north of Baie-Comeau (Qc). A fieldwork session was already done in summer 2007
and a new one is expected to begin in summer 2007.
Qualifications: Hold a PhD in a relevant field. Have experience in avian point count census and their
analysis, bird identification by sight and sound, and eventually have experience with the capture of
small mammals. Be familiar with the use of Geographic Information Systems. Be able to work in
forested areas, within a team, in a rather isolated environment during long periods of time. Have a
valid driver licence.
The post-doctoral project should start no later than early January 2008, with duration of one year.
Annual salary ranges from 35 000 $ and 40 000 $, commensurate with experience and
administrative responsibilities. Administrative tasks include:
1. Write and collaborate in writing scientific papers, progress reports, and posters.
2. Planning and supervision of fieldwork.
3. Develop and maintain the projects database; supervise and verify contributions from
employees and students.
4. Develop and maintain links with practitioners, managers and researchers in order to
promote and exchange on chair-related work.
5. Advise and assist researchers and students in their studies.
Document to provide: Applicants for this position should forward a short covering letter indicating
their motivation, accompanied by a current CV and the names and contact information of three
references. Send the documents before 1st December 2007 to:
Daniel Fortin
Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Université Laval en sylviculture et faune
Département de biologie, local 3039 (Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon)
Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec G1K 7P4, Canada
Tel.: 418-656-2131, poste 5971; Fax : 418-656-2043
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