PhD Studentship in Marine Predator Ecology Scotland

Publié le par Doctorants CEBC CNRS

PhD Studentship in Marine Predator Ecology

We are currently seeking applicants for a fully funded PhD studentship that can be used to carry out one of the three following projects within the University of Aberdeen's Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences (

An interdisciplinary seascape approach to determine migratory behaviour and health of commercially fished sharks in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. (Supervisors: Cathy Jones, Les Noble, Andy Meharg & Matt Gubbins)

Mate choice, immunogenomics and olfactory communication in fulmars. (Supervisors: Stuart Piertney & Sarah Wanless)

Do commercial fisheries influence the distribution and dynamics of northern fulmars? (Supervisors: Paul Thompson, Coby Needle & Jason Matthiopoulos)

The project will be carried out within the Marine Predator Research Theme, one of nine research groupings within the recently launched Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland (MASTS) ( MASTS involves all Scottish Universities and Research Institutes with existing strengths in Marine Sciences, and was initiated to pool capability and consolidate research infrastructure to further enhance competitiveness and capacity. The successful candidate will be based at the University of Aberdeen but will have a co-supervisor working at least from one other Scottish research institute.

Candidates should have (or expect to achieve) a First Class or 2.1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject

Further information is available at:

Closing date: 1st March 2010



The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

Publié dans Thèses-PhD

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